Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Begining

This is my first effort and any kind of consistent blog. I blog on the Myspace whenever I get thoughts worth sharing but this one is a little different. Given the upcoming Chaplain school, I thought that I would use this to post some pictures and blog about what is going on so that those who care, can keep up with what I am doing/learning and see what God is teaching me. I actually have no idea how much time I will have to write in this but I intent to update it as often as possible. I may write once more before I leave but really this is for after I am gone.


Mara the Butterfly said...

Hey Gabby! You should set your thing to allow anonymous comments so that the people who don't have bloggers can comment on it. Not that it's a problem for me, because I have two of them, but you know. Anyway, it'd be really cool if you continued to update this regularly. The next six weeks will be interesting without you here. Anyway, if you get bored (not that you'll have time for boredom, based on what I'm hearing), my blogger is and my lyric blog is Talk to you later!


Mara the Butterfly said...

By the way, one more thing. Firstly, if you ever need someone to redecorate your blog, I know this graphic designer and she's pretty good at stuff like that... haha. Secondly, you spelled 'beginning' wrong. ;-)


Rich said...

Gabe - I'm looking forward to reading your posts. I just hope you are a better blogger then I am; I started a Blog over a year ago and have not posted much. You, Wendy and Grace are in our prayers,

the newer ricky said...

hey gabe... i told you i would read and i am... its just taken me longer... i hope more posts come along cause i could use the advice... and i have questions for you.... hahaha... email...? miss talkin to ya...
