Monday, July 16, 2007

Day one...

Well, we made it here safe and sound. The drive was mostly uneventful. We drove to the far side of Nashville the first day and then drove the rest of the way on day 2. The room is nice. Small but nice. Grace did awesome!
Day one was mostly orientation. I am in a class of 21 other guys. There are a few Catholic priests and a smorgasboard of protestant preachers. Of course us youth pastors found each other pretty quick. I am the academic officer for our class, which means that I collect the homework from the class and turn it in. So those people who don't do their homework get harassed by Lt Casciato. Not a pleasant prospect I can assure you. . They are absolutely blasting us with information. It's kinda like trying to drink from a fire-hose. Doesn't feel all that safe but...WHHHEEEEEEEE!!!
So I found God on the way down here (I hate it when I misplace Him). Figure the odds, He was in McDonalds. We stopped at a McDonalds in Missouri (I think it was MO anyway...all the states kinda run together). Anyway, we told Grace that if she ate good, Daddy would take her into the play land. She was a little small for it so I took her in. We climbed up to the second level in those plastic tubes. Grace looked down and saw Mommy WAY down there. Then we went to go down the slide. But Grace was in the wrong arm. (Can you believe that they don't make them big enough for 29 year old Daddys who haven't been working out? I know, how rude.) So anyway, I couldn't wiggle into the tube with her in my arm. So I went to put Grace in my other arm so I could use the arm she was currently in to wiggle into the tube. But I couldn't switch arms because SHE wouldn't let go of me. She was so scared she had locked on to me and wouldn't let go. I told her, "It's ok. Daddy got you." She said, "Yeah," and rather reluctantly allowed me to pry her arm off me. I switched her to the other arm, wiggled into the tube and we slid down together. She squeeled the whole way down. When we got to the bottom it was time to go. Wendy took her to the bathroom to change her diaper. When they came out, Wendy told me that in the bathroom, Grace had told her, "It's ok. Daddy got you." Wendy figured that it was something I had said to her.
Where I found God in all that story is thus. It's a hard thing to come to a school like this. There is a lot of pressure. It's also hard to leave things behind. It's hard to leave the ministry behind, not to mention my friends and students whom I love with my whole heart. Sometimes, I am tempted to grab hold with all I've got and not let go. Yet the whole time, the truth of the matter is that God is trying to take me somewhere. He is trying to switch me to the other hand because He has some amazing ride for me. The whole time, He is saying, "It's ok. Daddy got you." The question then for me is do I have my daughter's courage? Am I willing to (joyfully or at least reluctantly) let Him pry my arm off His so that he can take me on this grand adventure. Furthermore, am I willing to remember those times that He did take care of me, and then the next time I am scared tell myself and others, "It's ok. Daddy got you." Father, grant me my daughter's courage.


Summer Lee said...

I'll hear that comment a lot in my musings this's ok....

Ya know, it really is too!! That's not just fluff talk. How cool is that?!

Praying for you guys, love ya.

Free in Him
Summer Lee

Cin said...

I now own a blogger. Thank you, Marabelle.

The only nice thing about losing Him is that the reunion is so amazing. What a beautiful God.

Glad to hear your drive went well. You are being bathed in prayer, friends.

Much Love,

Corey said...

Cool B.L.O.G. :p

What does blog mean anyway?

lauralynne said...

woah your cool gabe!

im gonna miss you, i actually kinda like you dont worry!

ummmm hahaha you were to fat lol!

ummmmm have fun!

Jessire said...

Hey Glad that you made it out to alabama safe. Neat story. Well just thought i would let you know that a bunch of people are praying for you guys.


see ya later


Mara the Butterfly said...

Blog = web log

You rock Gabe. That story was awesome.

Em said...

Hey Gabriel! So I just read your blog. I thought it was very neat. It was, as usual, exactly what I needed to hear. Funny how God does that huh? Anyways, I am praying for you, Wendy, Grace and the quads. ;-)
Well, today I must tell you is a sad sad day for me. :-( The Andersons leave today... I am very depressed about this, but I wrote Elise a bunch of letters, drew her some pics and put them all in separate envelopes and put all the envelopes in a huge folder thingy. anyways, I hope she will like it. I am really going to miss her.
On a lighter note, a bunch of us are going to the pool today, and since this is like the first time ever that I dont have to work today. (hehe) I can finally go w/them. So I'm kind of looking forward to that and hopefully that will cheer me up a little today. Ok, well, I have to go now, but I will read the next one and email you more. You know I will! hehe
Hey! Give Grace a kiss for me and tell Wendy I say hi! and the quads too! hehe ok, talk to you later! love ya! -Em

Summer Lee said...

I'm fighting with the blog sign in machine! I will prevail!!

WAndersen said...

Hello, Gabe. I like that - Daddy's got you. As we are building a house - many uncertainties. Also many change at work make for uncertainties. Through it all, I need to be like Grace and remember - "Daddy's got me." The tough part is the prying off of one arm and int another.

So, will this be another exercise we will need to work on in Keichu Do - fitting into a play area slide? It was probably the Big Mac, fries and Coke you had before going to the play area. Plus - did you leave your shoes in the little cubby?

Glad you and Wendy made it down to Alabama OK. We are praying for you!

Maddi Leigh said...

Hey Gabe!!

I can't believe i actually remembered to look at this!!

That is a cool story and i have to say what laura said haha your too fat!!:D

I have this story to tell you!!

On Sunday me and Laura wanted to hide in Matt's Sunday school room!!

WE have hid ever place in there that is possible...except for one place and guess were that was!!

The Cabnits!!!

Haha i know it was fun!!

Well I am going to miss you!!


Tristan said...

That was a cool storey. Keep posting this stuff and I'll read..or in the rare case...skimm. What does BLOG mean anyway???

Melly_2 said...

Hey Gabe,
Glad you made it to Alabama safely. Tell Grace and Wendy
"Hi" for me. Have fun.
