Saturday, August 18, 2007

Back from the field

I survived the 5 day field exercise labeled Silver Flag. It was HOT!!!! They sent us out to the field in Tyndle AFB. Our"Hooch" was not air conditioned. It averaged around 100+ degrees every day we were out there. Talk about got. I have lots of stories to tell but the stories will make more sense once I have the pictures a guy was taking. Instead, this post will be about 2 things.

Story #1 (From Silver Flag). One of the scenarios we ran, a guy wanted to talk to a chaplain, so he talked to a friend of mine, but he went "nuts" and shot the chaplain outside and then came it. So, I was in the back of the tent and didn't know the first part. I saw this guy with a gun come to the front of the tent and tell the guard, "GET DOWN!" and I saw the gun. So I yelled "GUN!" and jumped out the back of the tent. I ran to the next tent and asked the engineers if they had any guns. They said no. So I said, "CRAP!" and kept running. I went around the front and and found another few CE guys. I told them, "Hey, there is a bunch of chaplains gettin' shot up in that tent. Can you help me?" (They know its just an exercise.) One of them looked at me and said, "Well, we could give them last rights for you." I replied something to the effect of, "You're no help." Then I was about to try to sneak up on the guy from behind when the exercise ended. What I found out later was that he went in the tent and said, "Who is a chaplain?" One guy raised his hand and got shot. Then, he said again, "Who is a chaplain?" and ANOTHER GUY RAISED HIS HAND!!! One of the instructors said, "When this happens, you yell gun and get down." And I said, "I did yell gun and then I ran." One of the students said, "No you didn't." And the guy with the gun (who later said that I was the one he really wanted to shoot since he knew I was a karate instructor) said, "I heard him say it." The guy who was sitting next to me, said, "I was like, what? A gun? Where? Oh there? That could be a problem. but then it was too late to leave." Shesh! The instructors said they will be telling that story for years.

Story #2. I got promoted to 3rd degree. Pictures to follow. Yeah God!


Jessire said...

Congrats on the promotion!!! Now you know your hard work is paying off. Can't wait till You, Wendy, Grace, and little one inside to get back. lol Congrats!!!!!

Summer Lee said...

Gabe, Gabe, Gabe,
Soooooo glad to know you recognize a gun when you see one. AND... that you know enough to run. Sheesh! is right.
'neakin' up on that guy would a been a piece of cake anyway given all your camoflage dontchaknow.
Congrats on your promotion. We're proud of you.
We miss you all, hugs brother.
Free in Him,
Summer Lee

Cin said...

I don't really know what any of that means so I'll just say, "GOOD JOB! YOU DID EXACTLY WHAT I WOULD HAVE DONE!"

I don't care if a thousand other people are requesting this, but I need you to hug both Grace and Wendy and tell them that it's specifically from me.

Third degree?!? WOOT!

Sophie is terrified of your return. *grin*


Em said...

Hey Gabriel!!! I'm so proud of you!! good job!! yay!! I'm with Mrs. D k? you need to hug wendy and grace and about 4 other hugs to Wendy and say its from me. :-) Tell Grace that I keep calling her but she just wont answer! ;-) love you all! I cant wait til you get home! actually.. i think I can wait a little longer b/c once you get back, its gone for me!! ahh!! *sniffle* *sniffle* love -Em